
On January 31, 2023, the Orinda City Council adopted the Plan Orinda project. This page provides a status update on implementation of the Plan Orinda project components.

Downtown Precise Plan

The adopted Downtown Precise Plan (DPP) includes Chapter 3: Vision & Guiding Principles to guide implementation of the DPP. The DPP includes 10 guiding principles, each of which includes a vision statement, goals, and policies.

Complete Policies

Policies in Progress

  • Guiding Principle 1: Revitalize the Downtown Economy

    • Enhance the City’s coordination with the business community and downtown property owners throughout the public engagement process for proposed downtown development standards and projects.

    • Cooperate with the Orinda Chamber of Commerce. Expand partnerships between the City and community organizations in order to provide events and seminars benefitting business connections.

  • Guiding Principle 2: Enable and Attract a Diversity of Land Uses

    • Consider revisions to the general plan and zoning designations applicable to downtown properties to support the capacity for new housing.

    • Pursue the goals of the 6th Cycle Housing Element. Review and ensure consistency between the Downtown Precise Plan policies and future Housing Element cycles.

Not Started/Upcoming Policies


Housing Element

The adopted and certified 6th Cycle Housing Element includes Chapter 7: Goals, Policies, and Actions to ensure the Housing Element goals are met. The 6th Cycle Housing Element includes 33 implementing actions that must be completed during the 2023-2031 planning period.

Policy Status Notes
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Action 1.A: Adopt the Downtown Precise PlanComplete The Orinda City Council adopted the Downtown Precise Plan on January 31, 2023.
Action 1.B: Rezone the housing opportunity sites to accommodate a portion of the City's RHNA.In ProgressOn December 12, 2023, the Planning Commission considered rezoning of the opportunity sites. Due to significant public concern, the Planning Commission voted to continue the item to a date uncertain. Staff has paused work on the rezoning for the opportunity sites and has shifted its focus to rezoning of downtown.

Safety Element

The adopted Safety Element includes Chapter 3: Goals, Policies, and Actions to implement the updated Safety Element.